Virtual doctor visits are changing the way patients interact with their primary care physicians. Euphora Health has positioned itself as a leader in providing  Texas residents who live at least 45 minutes from Austin or Cedar Park with the many benefits that come with using telemedicine services. With Virtual Direct Primary Care, Euphora Health patients can access high-quality medical care from their own personal physician anytime, anywhere.  

Is All Telemedicine Created Equal?

People have historically been hesitant to choose a virtual doctor in Texas because of the perception that telemedicine is not as good as coming in to a clinic in person. Just as the COVID-19 pandemic has opened people’s minds to remote and virtual education and business meetings, , many Texas residents- have also tried telemedicine during this time period . Some patients have had positive results and this has helped them overcome their hesitancy over virtual healthcare.

Telemedicine’s poor reputation is in some ways justified. Traditionally, accessing telemedicine meant paying a copay as part of an insurance-based healthcare plan and was almost always reserved for acute issues. Because the patient spoke with a different provider every time and appointments slots were so short that the patient often rushed through giving their medical history, telemedicine doctors sometimes made the diagnosis and treatment plan without having the patient’s full health information.

Virtual Direct Primary Care is different. Virtual Direct Primary Care provides personalized, convenient, and affordable healthcare that’s worlds away from the experience many people have with insurance-based telemedicine.

Euphora Health did not adopt telemedicine in response to COVID-19. We have always offered a virtual first care platform for our brick and mortar patients and are now offering Virtual Direct Primary Care, a virtual-only healthcare plan, to anyone living at least 45 minutes from our clinics.

This means that for Virtual Direct Primary Care patients all encounters are virtual. The only services that can’t be provided through Virtual Direct Primary Care are those that require face-to-face interaction – for example, a virtual doctor can’t sew up lacerations, perform EKGs, or listen to the patient’s heart or lungs. However, these are relatively rare procedures for the average person. In fact, our doctors can take care of 85-95% of our patients’ healthcare needs virtually.

Can a Virtual Doctor Really Offer High-Quality Care?

Virtual Direct Primary Care means never having to sacrifice quality for comfort or expediency. Starting from the initial appointment, which can last up to an hour depending on how complicated the health history is, patients notice that their Virtual Direct Primary Care physician is thorough, knowledgeable, and compassionate. She is a doctor who knows them and can provide appropriate guidance based on their complete health history.

In the rare case that a diagnosis and treatment plan can’t be made virtually, the Virtual Direct Primary Care physician can guide the patient to a cost-effective local imaging center, specialist, urgent care clinic, or other provider to handle the face-to-face need.

How does the doctor decide if face-to-face services are necessary? Let’s consider Jessica, an imaginary Virtual Direct Primary Care patient who was troubled by shoulder pain. After describing her symptoms and answering questions over the phone, the doctor in the moment switched Jessica’s consultation to a videoconference within the same app. He asked Jessica to perform physical exam maneuvers such as range of motion and provocative testing, which are the same as what would be performed in the office to assess which structures in the shoulder might be damaged. .

Often this is enough to make a diagnosis. As physical therapy was required, the virtual primary care doctor sent Jessica a PDF through the app that would guide her through at-home physical therapy with pictures and text. She was able to get a diagnosis and treatment on her lunch break

If professional physical therapy had been required, the doctor would have referred Jessica to a physical therapist in her area.

If imaging had been required to make a diagnosis, the doctor would have guided Jessica to the most cost-effective local option.

Finally, if the condition had been severe and surgery was necessary, she would have helped the patient find a highly-rated and cost-effective local orthopedist to perform the surgery.

What are the Benefits of Choosing a Virtual Doctor?

Virtual Direct Primary Care is ideal for people who always on the go or who have a busy schedule. It also benefits those who travel or a lot, or those who simply want a more convenient, more affordable form of healthcare. Individuals who are dissatisfied with their insurance-based provider but don’t have a local Direct Primary Care option available should also consider Virtual Direct Primary Care.

The following are a few reasons why choosing a virtual doctor could be the right decision for you:

  • 24/7 Access to Your Doctor – Patients get the care they need from their physician, no matter when they need it and where in the world they are at the time.
  • Convenient Care – Patients save time driving to appointments and sitting around in waiting rooms.
  • Consistent Care – Patients always speak with a physician who understands them and knows their medical histories.
  • Medical Guidance to Affordable Options – Patients will always be guided toward affordable, high-quality options for medication, labs, imaging, and outpatient procedures.
  • Safety – Whether or not patients have a compromised immune system, there is less risk of illness if they avoid clinics and hospitals unless necessary. Virtual care limits exposure to Coronavirus and other infections.

What Should I Expect When Signing Up for Virtual Direct Primary Care?

Virtual Direct Primary Care is available to all Texas residents who live at least 45 minutes away from one of the Euphora Health clinics. We accept patients from major cities such as Houston and Dallas, from rural areas with limited primary care options, and everywhere in between.

Once enrolled in the Euphora Health Virtual Direct Primary Care program, patients will be given 24/7 access to their Virtual DPC doctor through several different mediums including phone call, text message, video conference, and secure portal. Different patients prefer different means of communicating, and this program gives them the option to choose. The process of scheduling a virtual consultation is quick and simple. Typically, appointments are available on the same or next day for acute issues.

Patients can expect the exact same high-quality care they would get in person.  Virtual Direct Primary Care is ideal for managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and  abnormal thyroid function, which entail regular dialogue with a primary care physician to monitor lab work and the progression of the condition.  Virtual Direct Primary Care is also a wonderful solution for addressing acute conditions such as headaches,  urinary tract infections, and the flu because patients can get a same- or next-business day appointment and be on the road to recovery in no time. 

Patients who need specialists, prescription medication, labs, or imaging will be connected to local, high-quality, and affordable providers near them.  

How Much Does Virtual Direct Primary Cost?

One of the best features of Virtual Direct Primary Care is its cost. At Euphora Health, the program is structured as a monthly membership with a low fee that varies by age: 

  • Age 0-19 – $29 per month
  • Age 20-39 – $49 per month
  • Age 40-59 – $54 per month
  • Age 60 and up – $59 per month

In addition, there is a one-time registration fee of $79.

Euphora Health is thrilled to offer Virtual Direct Primary Care for our patients in Texas. We encourage you to contact us to determine whether Virtual DPC is right for you.