Though the health care needs of men and women have many similarities, there are important biological distinctions that manifest themselves in differing prevalence and symptoms of health conditions. Women’s health care needs can be more complex because of the changes that occur in a woman’s body through the child-bearing years into menopause. There is no male equivalent to pregnancy and childbirth or the effects that they have on the body.

Women are also more likely to have skipped healthcare visits during the COVID-19 pandemic. This could translate to more serious health conditions developing in the long term. 

These unique attributes make it vital for every woman to have a knowledgeable women’s health services provider in Cedar Park who can help her live healthfully in every stage of life.   

What Is Women’s Health Care?

There are diseases and health challenges that are specific to women, and research overwhelmingly indicates that these needs are often unmet. The field of women’s health care is wide in scope but can be broken down into several general categories.

Sexual and Reproductive Health: Addressing sexual and reproductive health includes diagnosing the causes of abnormal periods, advising about birth control, testing for vaginal infections and sexually transmitted infections, screening of the uterus and ovaries, and other gynecological diagnostics to prevent cancer. It is recommended that every female should begin to see a specialist by age 16, regardless of whether or not she is has already become sexually active. Annual exams drastically reduce instances and severity of gynecological conditions.

Breast Health: Physicians ensure that breast self-exams are completed regularly until the age that mammograms are recommended to screen for cancer and other breast issues. Routine mammograms are the best defense against breast cancer and enable the highest rates of full recovery if cancer is found.

Fertility and Pregnancy: Physicians screen for issues that can affect fertility and address what is discovered.

Menopause and Perimenopause: This includes treatment and therapy for the unpleasant symptoms that accompany these phases of a woman’s life, which can involve assorted hormone therapy and bone density testing to screen for osteoporosis.

General Care: Finally, women’s health care encompasses myriad general preventive measures including discussing diet, sleep, and exercise and using lab tests to identify any thyroid, cholesterol, and blood sugar issues. Mental health care is also an essential aspect of women’s health care. Physicians address mood changes that can occur during menstrual periods, pre- and post-partum, and during menopause.  Cardiovascular issues also often fall under the umbrella of women’s health as they present differently than in men and may not be adequately recognized by all general practitioners.

The Benefits of Woman-Focused Care

At Euphora Health, we focus on caring for each patient as an individual. A thorough medical history and the initial appointment will allow your doctor to design a health care plan that includes woman-focused wellness and preventive screenings. Care coordination between your woman-focused primary care provider and specialists is most effective when the provider has a long-term relationship with the patient built on open communication and a collaborative approach to improving the patient’s health.

Enroll with Euphora Health today to enjoy access to comprehensive woman-focused care in Cedar Park at an affordable individual rate.