What is MEC?

MEC – Minimal Essential Coverage

Minimum essential coverage (MEC) includes most broad-based medical coverage typically provided by employers. It does not include certain specific coverage such as those only for accident or disability income insurance, stand-alone dental and vision insurance, or workers’ compensation insurance.

According to healthcare.gov, MEC is defined as:

Any insurance plan that meets the Affordable Care Act requirement for having health coverage. To avoid the penalty for not having insurance you must be enrolled in a plan that qualifies as minimum essential coverage (sometimes called “qualifying health coverage”). Examples of plans that qualify include: Marketplace plans; job-based plans; Medicare; and Medicaid & CHIP.


MEC stands for minimum essential coverage.  These are plans that were created to meet the requirements of the affordable care act and can satisfy the individual mandate of the affordable care act, thus keeping your employees from owing the tax penalty.  Depending on how your plan is structured it may shield you from the employer penalties associated with the affordable care act.  These plans are less expensive than major medical plans.