Companies are increasingly adopting the Direct Primary Care model of employee healthcare. DPC’s streamlined approach offers precise mechanisms for cost control while increasing the quality of healthcare – all with no copays or deductibles to meet.

While there are many advantages to providing DPC for both employers and employees, here are the Top 5 Reasons Companies Benefit From Direct Primary Care.

1) Direct Primary Care Saves Money

Direct Primary Care offers increased patient access, extended time with the doctor, and physician-led healthcare navigation for a remarkably affordable flat monthly fee. Rates typically range between $30-90 a month per employee, and DPC isn’t prone to large annual premium increases unlike the traditional healthcare model.

When incorporated into a self-funded plan, healthcare claims are easier to manage, and the total package is typically lower in cost than traditional insurance. In fact, studies show that savings as a percentage can be in the double digits.

For employers who offer traditional high-deductible health insurance, adding DPC provides real value and savings indirectly.

2) DPC Reduces Absenteeism and Offers Convenience

Direct Primary Care provides employees a high level of accessibility to a personal, concierge-like physician. It offers greater convenience with same-day or next-day in-office appointments and longer visit times. Plus, with its Virtual DPC component, similar to an enhanced form of telemedicine, patients can communicate with their physician through email, phone, text or video-conference from work or home. This means that employees miss less time at work when needing to consult with their personal doctor. These benefits are especially valuable for employees with chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

3) Better Healthcare Improves Productivity

Beyond improved accessibility and longer visit times, which strengthen the bond of the primary care relationship, there are no copays or deductibles to meet, which encourages employees to see their doctor when needed. DPC helps keep employees healthy by addressing healthcare issues as they are smoldering and before they become a fire. The prevention, ongoing management and addressing of acute health issues as they arise helps to keep employees functioning optimally.

4) DPC Offers a Recruiting & Retention Advantage

The lower cost of the DPC model of healthcare allows companies to increase their benefits package and allows smaller companies to offer healthcare benefits where they couldn’t otherwise. The level of care that DPC provides offers employees and their families an exceptionally high service standard in personal healthcare – one that they will appreciate. With unlimited access to their doctor, employees experience deeper, more productive doctor/patient relationships that are unheard of in the current insurance-based clinic environment.

5) Offering DPC is a Practical Way to Promote Your Company’s Health-Oriented Culture and Commitment to Employees

DPC is healthcare and not just used for “sick care” alone. DPC is proactive, convenient and follows your employees wherever they work, play or travel. Offering DPC is a substantive way to show your company’s commitment to optimal health.

For companies interested in saving money on healthcare while increasing employee benefits at the same time, migrating to the DPC healthcare model is a step that many progressive companies are taking.

Among all its many benefits, DPC:

  1. Focuses on keeping employees well
  2. Lowers healthcare costs
  3. Reduces absenteeism
  4. Offers convenience and timeliness
  5. Contributes to productivity
  6. Provides a recruiting, retention and job-satisfaction advantage
  7. Promotes a health-oriented culture

And while many larger companies have already integrated DPC into their benefits packages, companies with as few as 10 employees can take advantage of the direct primary care model of healthcare.

Want To Learn More About How You Can Benefit From Self-Funded Health Plans?